Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Thought I'd give this thing a try. So here we go. I don't know about you but I could always use a constant reminder of reasons not to get ahead of my mind, to stay present, to be thankful and be grateful. I just downloaded this book to my Kindle Fire titled "Think & Be Happy" and came across this great quote.
I think it speaks volumes to anyone in any situation in life. We always want more. Why can't we just be satisfied with what we have? It's NEVER enough. I am quite sure it is some disease that Americans are born with. We can't stop, won't stop, have to keep doing, wanting, moving. We can't sit still (at least I can't). If its not my mind running wild its me running wild ;). The biggest challenge, I think for all of us, is to be happy and grateful for what we DO have. We need some reminders like this to keep us in check. In fact, this has got to be one of the top 5 reasons I practice yoga.