If there is one thing I know I need a little push on it's completing a task, project or goal. Don't get me wrong, I am a hard working professional that leads a very active lifestyle. But when it comes to finishing BIG, finishing STRONG and finishing with PRIDE, I feel that I lack in this area. This is not to say that I do not complete projects and work. Rather, I tend to have that 'do many different things at the same time all at once' type of approach lacking of full satisfaction upon conclusion, or lack there of. Perhaps this is something that only I notice, but it is big enough for me to start thinking seriously about how I've been inspired. I am ready to take that inspiration and turn it into something magical.
Three years ago, shortly after moving to Philly, I decided I was going to complete my certification hours to teach yoga. Having only one year of yoga experience under my belt, I figured I would give it a try; I knew I loved yoga deeply. It was a cold, blizzard-filled winter when I committed to this idea. I was new to the area, having just moved across the country...yet excited for the possibilities. I soon found out, teaching took a lot more practice than I had anticipated. The particular training that I had chose was a fairly flexible program. I repeat, f-l-e-x-i-b-l-e program. While that might be a good path for some (ie the working mom), it was not the best path for me. Knowing myself, I knew that I needed more structure; a beginning and an end. Not a beginning and an end whenever you so desire. I completed the hours and some but did not feel 'ready' to teach. I did not have enough practice 'teaching.'
And so here I am three years later, loving the beneifts of yoga more than ever. I have a growing curiosity of the practice that is special enough to me to explore further. I have found, and integrated myself into a great studio and community and have been feeling ever inspired to complete and finish my training. Though they say you are never really ready. I know with time, this will become easier. You just have to do it, go for it. Yoga has had a profound impact on my life, my perspective, and my mind and I would love to empower others with the same benefits. I know I have it in me. I am mentally preparing myself for the journey and know that if you truly feel inspired, when the time is right, you can do and accomplish anything you set your mind to.
"Thinking will not overcome fear but action will." ~W. Clement Stone